Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aunt Ti Charlotte calls her...

I was going through pictures on the computer and came across this one of my sister on Halloween. Only my sister could pull off this look. For those of you who haven't figured it out, she was Sandy from Grease.

My Sweet Girl

Who's missing from this picture????

Thanks Pete!!!

While in California we went to visit my old neighbor, Pete. Pete is in his eighties and I have known him my entire life. He and his late wife, Arlene played a huge role in my life. I remember going to their house often as a kid to play with their cats and just visit with them. Pete and Arlene were good friends with my Grandma Charlotte and Grandpa George. Not only did they watch me grow up but they watched my Dad and Aunt Bevy grow up as well. ANYWAY...Pete was nice enough to make this chair for my Charlotte. She loves it. It is a perfect fit for her.

More fun in the sun..

I absolutely love this picture...

The Blake's

Here is a picture of my (Holly) extended family. It was my Grandpa's 80th Birthday so we all got together for a family picture. Some family members were not able to make it unfortunately. AND, guess what...I have more first cousins than Frank. I was excited when we figured that out.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I promise to post some more pictures from our trip to California. I just have to get my Dad to email them to me :)

Those are some pretty big shoes to fill

And the winner is.....California!!!

Apparently, Charlotte will play in the grass just as long as it is California grown.

OUCH!!! That hurt!!!

Miss Charlotte took a tumble off the couch and landed in the Christmas tree. Poor is the aftermath from her fall. No worries though...she healed quickly.

Dad was at it again!!!

The Holidays.... has been awhile since our last post. Sorry about that. Life is busy when you are a full time working Mom with a toddler on the loose. Here are a few pictures from Christmas.