Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just Charlotte being Charlotte....

Hair by Frank

Another hairstyle by Frank.

What comes after 1????

Never leave a dog in charge!!!

As most of you know Frank works every other weekend. That leaves Charlotte, Goldie and I alone. So, for the most part when I take my morning shower, I just put Charlotte in her crib with some toys and she plays until I get out. Well, that hasn't been going over so well as of late so I decided to leave Goldie in charge of watching her while I took my shower. (Don't fear. For the most part I can see her from the bathroom). ANYWAY....this is what I found upon getting out of the shower. GREAT JOB GOLDIE!!!!

A Sunday afternoon nap...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kiko aka Nico

After a long night, Charlotte finally got to do what she likes with Nico.

Two scary guys we met along the way...

Grandma Carol!

Happy Halloween Grandma!!

Trick or Treat

Charlotte made out like a bandit at Uncle John and Aunt Pam's. Not only did she get candy but she got a book too. She is quickly learning that being forced to dress up isn't so are rewarded handsomely!

If I Only Had a Heart

Happy Halloween from the Tin Man.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Whatcha doin'

I thought this was the cutest picture and no...I am not referring to Frank's butt.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A typical evening...

Frankie on the phone....

Ol' Blue Eyes

Frank Sinatra had nothing on Charlotte.

Haven't you heard? It is the latest fashion craze!!!

Miss Charlotte is quite the fashionista. Here we see her modeling the latest fashion trend...Turtle Shell Hats! The great thing about this hat is it doubles as a toy.

Goldie Locks Rocks!

According to her Daddy anyway.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


The Merry-go-Round

Finally, the guy that ran the merry-go-round took pity on us and let Charlotte on. She LOVED it! By the way...I did notice Miss Char pulling the lady's hair next to her. That is why the video stopped. I had Daddy quickly address that issue :) Sorry lady...whoever you are.

The Train.....

Here is a quick shot of the train that Charlotte wasn't allowed to ride. Can you believe that??? The bus was more dangerous than this train.


This was one of the highlights of the day for Charlotte. She loved looking at the cows. We went all through the cow pavilion with Charlotte stopping at each cow to say "MOOO!!!!"

Could it be?????

To me, it was like a mirage in the desert. A Del in Washington. It was like seeing a long lost friend.

We made it...

Here are a few random shots of the goings on at the fair.

Goin' for a ride on the PT Cruiser

Our first ride for the day was aboard the bus that took us to the fair. Frank and I like to take the bus to the fair. You avoid fighting the fair traffic yourself and you don't have to look for parking once you get there.